

A jigger is a small parasitic flea that burrows into the skin of a warm-blooded host before laying eggs. In most cases they begin by attacking the feet or hands. At first, the jigger appears as a small black dot on the skin. As the female's abdomen fills with blood and eggs, a bump forms underneath the skin, which is often painful and itchy and makes walking incredibly difficult.

With her back end still sticking out of the host's body, the female releases her eggs then eventually dies. If left untreated, jiggers can lead to deadly secondary infections or even amputation. People suffering with jiggers usually attempt to remove them with safety pins, thorns, or other sharp, and often unsanitary, objects.

Jiggers leave people unable to go to work, school. They hold them captive and in tremendous pain. So imagine the relief of having someone care enough to bring you relief and to help you get back on your feet (literally).

Jigger clinics cost $300 per school and typically there are 3-4 schools covered in one day. With a total of $2000 we can provide a jigger campaign paired with a medical clinic seeing to the overall health of the community.

Whether we collect this bit by bit or all in one swoop doesn’t matter, if you feel a heart tug to help with this give what you feel led. This is an ongoing struggle that will require ongoing attention and care BUT together we can make a huge difference.
